Kyle Akers
Consultant/Entertainer with CosAwesome Studios
Also known as K.I.A. Cosplay, Kyle began cosplaying in 2012. He began with a makeshift Deadpool, which he is now most notably recognized for. A friend had introduced him to the convention scene, and his interest for cosplay only grew. In 2013, Kyle became an interviewer for an online nerd magazine, Nerd Caliber, where his costumes Deadpool and Bonnie the Bunny can be viewed interviewing convention goers. Kyle also finds being an entertainer to his liking, often taking on the characters he dresses as, and even creating the convention panel, StoryTime with Deadpool.
Kyle's enjoys finding various unique styles and different methods of creation to alter original designs into other versions. Kyle is often very accepting to other cosplayers styles, aspiring to become a contest judge so that he may see more approaches to costume creations. Kyle enjoys challenges, often looking for a more difficult way of creating costumes and props rather than the instructional approach.
Kyle enjoys wearing the costumes he creates as much as the people around him, he loves talking about comic books, movies, and video games, and is always looking forward to the next con.
KIA Cosplay